October 18, 2011

Low-fat diet, the key to healthy living

Low-fat diet, the key to healthy living
 Aging is bound to happen at all people. But, apparently with a low calorie diet, this aging process can be slowed. How can it be?

Aging on the body's cells is associated with the shortening of telomeres. Telomeres are the ends of DNA that keep the body's cells alive. Naturally, the body's cells will have cleavage to regenerate. However, unfortunately, each time experiencing division, the telomere will be getting shorter. If at some point, this shortening process occurs continuously, cell death will be quick with the result that shorten a person's age. That the shorter the telomere is also associated with increased risk of developing diseases such as dementia or senility old to be 100 times larger and higher death rates from cancer and heart disease

The body's natural fat burning foods

The body's natural fat burning foods
Many ways you can do to burn excess fat in the body. But there are certain nutrients that can be consumed to help burn fat naturally. One of these nutrients are grapefruit.

After doing research, found that flavonoids present in grapefruit that naringenin can help the body break down fat and reduce cholesterol. Naringenin can reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body by 42 persen.Senyawa This increases the activity of proteins that control hundreds of enzymes in the liver. These enzymes break down some fatty acids from food and stored fat on your own, so they can help fight obesity.

October 17, 2011

Too much stress before pregnancy, may increase the chance to have a baby girl

Too much stress before pregnancy, may increase the chance to have a baby girl
In a recent study at Oxford University, the scientists revealed that the slightest stress in pregnant or before pregnancy can affect baby's sex.

In that study, the scientists studied 338 women in the UK since not pregnant until giving birth. Participants examined regularly and his health condition, were asked to make daily records showing a history of stress just before and during pregnancy.

Myth or Fact: Drinking Coconut Water affects the baby's skin look clean?

Myth or Fact: Drinking Coconut Water affects the baby's skin look clean?
In modern times, many pregnant women believe that drinking lots of coconut water can make the baby born with a clean skin. Is this myth or fact?

Coconut water is good for pregnant women. due to the high content of electrolytes and potassium that is in the coconut water is good for baby's growth. According to the obstetrician, coconut water to make baby's skin to be clean it's just a myth. Coconut water good for babies because it contains potassium, electrolytes and vitamins, but not make the baby's skin to be clean.