April 19, 2012

5 Easy Tips For a Healthy Heart

5 Easy Tips For a Healthy Heart

 Who does not want to have a healthy heart? You'll want it too right? But our environment is very influential. For example you have a friend who was smoking, dirty dust on the road etc. Here are 5 easy steps to keep the heart and blood vessels in order to keep you healthy : 

1. Stay away from the motorway
Horns, sirens and noisy car engine that can interfere blood circulation in your blood vessels. Based on recent research, the traffic noise affects the risk of stroke.

2. Enough sleep
According to a study published in February 2011 in the European Heart Journal, less sleeping or too much may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Too few hours of sleep can increase blood pressure and cholesterol that makes you at higher risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

3. Eat blueberries
According to research in America, eating blueberries may reduce the risk of high blood pressure. In the study, people who eat blueberries at least one serving per week can reduce the risk of high blood pressure until 10 percent.

4. Eating dark chocolate
Numerous studies show that eating dark chocolate can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Chocolate has a flavonoid, which is useful for protecting cells from damage. 
5. Reduce consumption of soft drinks
The current study has found that excessive consumption of soft drinks may increase the risk of stroke. In studies involving 2564 participants, found that people who drink soda every day have a risk of stroke and heart attack 48 percent higher than people who do not drink soda. 

April 17, 2012

Too Little Sleep? Can Increase Diabetes Risk

Too Little Sleep? Can Increase Diabetes Risk

This article is relates to night sleep. Generally, people sleep 8 hours a day. But what happens if less than 8 hours? Yes of course you will feel sleepy. Besides that, it can cause disease.

Studies have long shown that people who sleep fewer than five hours a night have an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, the kind that tends to strike later in life.Up to 70 million Americans are estimated to suffer from chronic problems with sleep, from insomnia to sleep apnea. On today, impaired sleep are always associated with some diseases such as obesity, heart disease, depression, high blood pressure, memory impairment and a weakened immune system. Besides that, too much see the light at night can hamper a hormone involved both with sleep and suppressing tumor cells.

The following tips may be useful for maintaining your health :

1. Adults need Between seven and nine hours of sleep daily for good health.

2. If you work nights, go straight to bed when you get home. Avoid too much light along the way.

3. Let natural light help keep your biological sleep clock on schedule

4. Cultivated a healthy bedroom is one room dark, quiet and cool, in addition, avoid caffeine and alhokol when going to bed.

April 16, 2012

4 Healthy Habits For Penis Strong And Tight

4 Healthy Habits For Penis Strong And Tight

Although it does not really matter to women, but this article may be useful for the men.

For teens, may not be a problem when asked about the ability of erectile. But imagine if you are aged 50-60 years, would still get an erection? Though erectile dysfunction that can infect you when you are elderly caused by blockage of an artery from your youth. Basically, an erection depends on blood flow to the penis. But when an artery narrowed by cholesterol deposits that contain lots of atherosclerotic plaque, blood flow in the penis is reduced and the penis can not erect.

Harvard scientists conducted a study of 31 742 middle-aged men for 14 years and finding that erectile dysfunction is caused due to unhealthy lifestyles. Here are 4 healthy lifestyle that you must pay attention to improving your sex life :

1. Doing Regular Exercise 
Exercise is essential for healthy arteries and blood flow to the penis. Exercise can lower cholesterol, which minimizes deposits (plaque) in artery walls narrow to increase blood flow.

2. Reduce Eat Meat, Cheese and Junk Food. Eat lots of Fruits and Vegetables
Meat, cheese and junk food containing high levels of saturated fat. Such as cholesterol, fat can narrow the arteries, and can restrict blood flow to the penis. Whereas fruits and vegetables contain antioxidant nutrients that reduce plaque and improve arterial blood flow.

3. Lose Weight
According to the Harvard study, men with obesity are prone to erectile dysfunction and weight loss can improve erectile function

4. Stop Smoking
Smoking accelerates the growth of plaque that can narrow the arteries. A study in the New England Research Institutes in Watertown indicate that smoking may double the risk of erectile dysfunction affected

How To Eliminate Sleepiness Without Coffee

How To Eliminate Sleepiness Without Coffee

I am one of those coffee addicts, because every morning feeling sleepy :)

While drinking coffee every day was not good for health. If you include a coffee addict too? This article may be good for you, because you can eliminate sleepiness without coffee. If you drink coffee every day, the heart may pound. For that there are some alternatives you can do when you wake up in the morning :

1. Open the window 
The first thing to be done so quickly awake when I wake up is to turn the room lights, or open the window blinds when directly confronted with the direction of the sun. The human biological clock is influenced by light, so hard to eliminate sleep if the room is still dark.

2. Drinking water or green tea 
In theory, the body will be fitter when the loss of body fluids that occurs during sleep immediately replaced at least with a glass of water when you wake up. Some studies says that green tea is as effective as water in restoring hydration status, while providing a calming effect.

3. Do a physical activity 
Some people can just wake up when I read the newspaper. But if you continue to feel lazy and sleepy, trying to do activities that are more physically active. such as cooking or cleaning bed.

4. Breakfast 
Do not eat breakfastcan make your metabolism system out of balance. So that the body runs out of energy. The consequences of lack of energy is the body felt weak, less passionate and of course easy to feel sleepy.

5. Sleep Schedule 
Long-term solution for those who often feel sleepy and lazy to wake up soon is the disciplined pattern of sleep every day. Allowing myself to make up for the lack of sleep in a bed all day on weekends will only exacerbate sleep disturbances.