March 03, 2012

Consumes Raw Vegetable For Body Health

Consumes Raw Vegetable For Body Health

Consuming raw vegetables? what it's like?
When people told me to eat vegetables raw, I definitely do not want to. Because it must have been very strange taste :) 

But that's what Annette Larkins doing. Lives in Miami-Dade county, Florida, 70 year old Larkins Annete but her face look younger, without wrinkles, healthy fit like 30 years younger than her age.

And when Annette Larkins walked out with her ​​husband of 54 years old, people assume they are father and son. because no one expected that Annette has 70 years of age.

Annette said, he was eating a raw vegan foods nearly all grown in the garden of his home. As an information, diet vegan is different from vegetarian. Pepople who is doing vegetarian diet doesn't consume meat, while people who diet vegan doesn't consume all animal products, including milk and egg.

Annette backyard full of fruits and vegetables. Every corner of the garden has something to eat. Annette also collects rainwater for drinking and watering plants.
"I am very excited and have lots of energy. I woke up at 5:00 every day and ready to do many activities," said Annette Larkins.  
Annette said that she did not eat any animal products. The food does not need to be processed and still raw. Annette also eat fruit and vegetable juice

March 02, 2012

Vegetable Which Can Make Healthy Skin and Shiny Hair

Who does not like vegetables? Maybe I'm one of them :)

Since my kids, I don't like to eat vegetables, despite the fact that vegetables are important for our body. Vegetables also turned out to be skin and your hair healthy and looking shiny. Especially if you eat vegetables on a regular basis every day, besides can make our body healthy, it can also help your skin and hair growth.

Then, how can the vegetables can make a nice skin and our hair looking shiny? Yes, because in many vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will provide optimal health for your skin and hair.

So, now you know the benefits of vegetables? Then what kind of vegetables that can help the health of skin and hair? Check out some of the following vegetables list below :
1. Orange and yellow vegetables

Orange vegetables contain beta-carotene which is the pigmentation and antioxidants (carotenoids) that can boost the immune system, which in turn can help increase hair growth and healthy skin. Yellow vegetables also contain carotenoids, and has many benefits such as orange-colored vegetables.

It also contains vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, flavonoids and other nutrients such as calcium and potassium in varying amounts. 

Some orange and yellow vegetables are carrots, pumpkin, yellow peppers, yellow yam and sweet potato, pumpkin, tomatoes, yellow and orange tomatoes.

2. Red vegetables

Many red vegetables contain phytochemicals, which can reduce free radicals that can cause damage to skin and hair. In addition, the red colored vegetables contain lycopene, the phytochemical that gives some red color and is a powerful antioxidant that is necessary for overall body health.

Some red vegetables include tomatoes, red peppers and red onion.

3. Greens vegetables

Green vegetables contain high fiber, low in fat, rich in folic acid, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It also contains a number of phytochemicals such as lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene.


The content of these contribute to a healthy immune system and can help the body's performance and enhance growth of healthy hair and skin.

There are plenty of green vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, peas, green beans, cucumbers, green peppers, asparagus, lima beans and celery.

February 08, 2012

5 Tips to Choosing a Lightening Cream

5 Tips to Choosing a Lightening Cream

For you are women, possibly this is good article for you.

In general, Indonesia's women's skin type tends to brown. Why is that? Because caused by more melanin matter content, compared to European. "It is actually normal, because it is a natural process in the body. What is not normal is when the skin turns black due to exposure to the sun for too long, and cause cancer," said Dr. Eddi Karta, GDSS, dermatologist from RSCM, some time ago.

February 07, 2012

Whiskey Rp.114million : For Celebrating 60 Years of the Queen of England Throne

Whiskey Rp.114million : For Celebrating 60 Years of the Queen of England Throne

Yesterday, February 6, 2012, all the British people happy to welcome the 60th year celebration of Queen Elizabeth II in command. The joy was expressed in different ways. One of them carried out by a specialist company a British whiskey, Gordon & MacPhail. The company is celebrating by selling 85 bottles of whiskey aged 60 years worth USD 114 million per bottle