June 19, 2012

Caution, Excessive Consumption This Can Lead to Osteoporosis

Caution, Excessive Consumption This Can Lead to Osteoporosis

 All that is consumed in excess, is not good for the body, including bone density. Especially eating patterns has an important role in maintaining bone density. Eating patterns has an important function in maintaining bone density, because it's what you eat also determines how strong a person's bones had. But there are certain foods that can make the reduced bone density and osteoporosis.

There are three factors that cause people got osteoporosis is lack of exercise, improper eating patterns and lack of sunlight. In addition, if someone is eating the following things to excess are also known to increase osteoporosis,

1. Excess Of a Protein 
Protein consumption is essential for bone growth, but if too much can actually be bad. If the consumption of red meat protein could then be more harmful than bone meal of vegetable protein. This is because the body produces certain chemicals called calcium sulfate is made ​​out of bone, and sulfate are produced if someone is eating more red meat.

2. Excess Caffeine
Swedish Department of Toxicology's National Food Administration said that people who consume 330 mg of caffeine or four cups of coffee a day are more prone to lead to fragility fractures. This also applies to the caffeine contained in tea and cola drinks.

3. Excess Vitamin A
Vitamin a is an essential nutrient for growth bone, but it can turn so danger if consumed excess. Vitamin A contains retinol which inhibits the absorption of vitamin D by bone, to the intake of vitamin supplements is especially to be monitored and limited.
You ' d better consumption vitamin a in the form of beta carotene as of leafy vegetables hijau, carrots and sweet potatoes more suitable for the body and help density of bone.

4. Excess Alcohol
People who frequently consume alcohol are more prone to decreased bone density, because alcohol inhibits the absorption of vitamin D and calcium is good for strong bone growth. The only way is to reduce alcohol consumption is only 1 cup a day or better if not at all.

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